Dr. Richard Doughty initially qualified as a veterinarian at the University of Bristol and began a residency in anatomic pathology at the Royal Veterinary College with a focus on the comparative approach to the study of disease.
He then worked as a pathologist in the pharmaceutical industry, providing support to research and development projects. This taught him about the unique synergy that can be achieved when veterinary and medical specialists work together.
A passion and curiosity for One Medicine and comparative pathology, as well as a desire to learn more about the one species not extensively covered at veterinary school (humans), led him back to University to study human medicine.
After qualifying as a medical doctor, he specialised in diagnostic pathology and currently works as a consultant pathologist at Akershus University Hospital in Norway. He has developed an interest in interventional cytopathology and dermatopatology, and continues to build on his passion for One Medicine through research collaborations looking at neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis and plantar corns in dogs and humans.